I’m the ONLY One…


Several months ago, I began struggling with a mind battle. Let me explain. Currently in my church, most of my close friends are either: 1) Trying to have a child, 2) Are pregnant, or 3) Have had a child in the past year. That is the season that women my age are in; I, however, am not in that stage. PLEASE let me be the first to say that I am content to not be in that stage (PRAISE GOD) not because I don’t love children and want to have them, but because my husband is working hard so that when we have children, I will be able to stay at home with them (this is a conviction we have). I did, though, start to develop a fear. How will I connect with my friends if they all are at home and have children and I am working and do not have children??

This is when the “I’m the ONLY One” statements start to creep in, because this is when you are most vulnerable, AND remember, Scripture tells us that the Devil comes at opportune times. I think we, as women, struggle more with this than men do. We think, “I’m the only one who has to deal with _______” or “I’m the only one who isn’t doing ________”, etc. Through conversation with my husband and a good friend, I realized two things:

  1. These thoughts are NOT beneficial! When I am beginning to have these thoughts, I will begin to complain and become dissatisfied with my current life. These thoughts are not beneficial to you OR pleasing to God. Paul tells us how to check our thoughts with 1Corinthians10:23, “‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is constructive”. Is this something that we are positively growing from? Are we honoring the people we are thinking about?
  2. EVERY woman feels alone in some way at some point in their life! When I was having my self-pity “I’m the only one” thoughts, I failed to see how my other sisters in Christ could also have been feeling. One of my friends was the only one in the group who had a newborn currently, another one of my friends had a newborn baby and was the only one who lived in a new city, and another friend was the only one changing careers into something she did not know as well. When we focused on ourselves, we develop fear which can separate us from our strongest relationships. Remember 1John4:18, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love”. Ladies, we do not need to have fear because our Lord has a plan and a purpose for us EVERY DAY!
I think it takes a certain level of trust to believe that God has a PERFECT plan for you like Jeremiah 29 talks about, and when we are taking our worries to God, we get to lay our burden on Him. Then, we are able to refocus like it tells us in Philippians4:8-9, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
As a result, I want us to put something into practice. If you are feeling any thoughts beginning with “I’m the Only One…” (and let’s be honest, we all have had them at some point), let’s write them down here in the comments section and then give it to God. If you want to add a verse claiming how you have changed your mentality and given this thought to God, please do so! Remember, we are NEVER alone with God, and He PROMISES us to fight for us and take care of us. Be content with that!

I, like you, will also add one as well throughout the day. I look forward to reading yours!

About vsh3

I am a daughter of God. I became a Christian when I was eighteen years old, and the Lord has transformed my life since. My heart and my passion is to serve my sisters in Christ by speaking into their lives and fellowshipping with them about the truths of who God is and how to live strong lives for him; after all, God is our rock, refuge, stronghold, Father, and abundantly more. Before my husband and I have children, I feel my mission is to be a public high school teacher and pour into high schoolers lives as well as co-lead a Women's Ministry at my local church. My prayer is that I can offer these students the hope I did not have at their age, and that I can be the light God calls us to be in Matthew5:14. My goal for this blog is for this to be a place where we, as women who have entered one another's lives at different stages and different places, can come together regardless of where we are at (1Timothy4:12), and discuss how to grow more and run the eternal race while here on earth. My hope is that my blogs can spur on conversations where we challenge one another, encourage one another, and pour into one another's lives. If Christ came down on earth and chose to have disciples, then I sure believe we need to spur one another on toward the Lord so we are walking straight on the Lord's path. I pray this will be a place we can all stay united in Spirit regardless of location or circumstance.

4 responses »

  1. Wow this was a powerful entry for me. As my husband would say, I often act like I am alone in the world, a lone wolf on this journey of life. This is admittedly were my enemy strikes me the most often because throughout my life I have dealt with feelings of isolation and not being worthy enough. I also have a bad habit of comparing my life to others and this is were I become easy prey. I feel that I need to be where my friends are in life, and truth be told there is a good reason why I am not there. But today I give me fears and feels of isolation over to God!

    I am the ONLY one who is dealing with a personality disorder, anxiety, and depression.
    I am the ONLY one who has thought of killing herself.
    I am the ONLY one on depression medication.
    I am the ONLY one who is a fraud.
    I am the ONLY one who messes up.
    I am the ONLY one whose marriage is struggling.

    These are just the ones that come to mind but if more pop up throughout the day, I will post them. It is scary to put this out there, but at the same time freeing!

  2. Amen, Kayce!

    Another phrase I think we as women struggle a lot with is “I am the ONLY one who doesn’t have ___________”. That could be another powerful one for us to throw away. 🙂

  3. I have to say that like all the postings before this one really hits me hard, I have been feeling a lot of this I am the only one stuff the last few weeks, and even the I am the only one who doesnt have so here goes the ones that I can think of off the top of my head! Giving it all to God!

    I am the only one who is raising a child by myself.
    I am the only one who struggles with finances.
    I am the only one who doesn’t have my own place to live
    I am the only one who doesn’t feel like I have friends
    I am the only one who feels like everyone passes judgement on me because of past decisions.

    I have to say that even though I know in my heart that these are things that people go through all of the time sometimes I just feel alone. I have a fear of rejection and it makes the whole making friends thing very difficult, but luckily God has put some wonderful people in my life and I am learning that I am not alone! A verse that I read to myself almost everyday or recite everyday in the car or when I am alone at work is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    This verse just says so many things to me, and when I am feeling like I can’t go forward or I am on the wrong path I just have to remember that God has a plan already for me and it is like Jeremiah 29:11 says a plan to prosper me and give me a future!

    Thanks again Val for such a fantastic blog, it really is amazing!!

  4. Brittany,

    I can so relate to you at times when you say that you know in your heart that God is in control, but when we start to listen to our “junk tapes”, it’s so hard to allow God’s truth to dominate over our insecurities. I love Psalms59-62 because I refresh my mind and know that God is my refuge, He never allows my foot from slipping, and that He is my stronghold. When I’m secure in these truths, I know He will provide and that these other thoughts are minimal compared to who I have on my side. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing!

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